Monday, February 18, 2013

Psychographic Marketing and Demographics

Want to get deeper into the demographics and refine your marketing strategy? Psychographic profiling is the answer. In today's world of technology, behavioral data from search engine companies like Google, Bing as well as Facebook and LinkedIn have ways of tracking the habits of consumers and potential customers.

Because of the popularity of social media such as Facebook and LinkedIn, marketers and sales managers are asking for more detailed information on their target customer so that their marketing efforts can be refined to smaller more densely populated groups. Potential consumer demographics are now being fragmented into groups so small, so temporal, and so finite that marketing data can be refined to specific market drivers.

Psychographic profiling is derived from social media profiling which consists of all the information users grant permission for brands to use on their behalf. Voluntary fields like relationship status, place of birth, city you reside, alma mater, interests and occupations, likes and dislikes, favorites, these can all be managed through social profiles and data collection management tools. Behavioral and lifestyle data is a critical cornerstone of psychographic marketing data. Social profiling, lifestyle data and psychographic data can predict customer lifestyles and behavioral habits to allow your company to specifically target populations within demographics.

Think about this, every time you "like" something on Facebook, you are recording a psychographic profile on yourself. When you set up your Facebook page, linked In page or any other social profile, all those fields have meaning and are recording information on your psychographic profile. The fields you use on social media record everything about your life: where you live, your age, your interests, your family status, your musical tastes, your friends, and these are just the beginning.

How can you use this information to create a targeted marketing campaign? Most social media platforms derive the bulk of their revenue from paid advertisement. Your company can effectively target very precise groups of consumers based on these psychographic profiles.

Social media companies have gone to great lengths to capture data on each and every one of us. According to recent data (mid 2012), Facebook has over 500 million users of which 155 million reside in the U.S. Linked In has over 175 million users with over half of them coming from the U.S., while Twitter has over 500 million users registering over 340 million tweets per day and handling over 1.6 billion search queries per day.

It's no wonder people companies have gone to such great lengths to use social media and that social media providers generating revenue from using their sites. At the end of the day, with so many people using Facebook, Linked In and Twitter, you can see how easy it is for them to collect date on their users.

To learn more about how these can benefit your company, visit our website at to obtain more information on the book "Strategies for Sales Perfection: In the New Economy".

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